Hungary and the Hungarian Minorities (Trends in the Past and in Our Time)




Historical-sociological background

Ferenc Glatz
New Paths and Goals for Minority Policies

László Szarka
Artificial Communities and an Unprotected Protective Power: The Trianon Peace Treaty and the Minorities

Károly Kocsis
Changing Ethnic Patterns in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region (1989-2002)

Pál Tamás
Historical Patterns of Public Thinking about the Hungarian Diaspora. The Changing Image of Hungary

Kinga Gál
Minority Governance in Central and Eastern Europe (With Special View on the Autonomy Drafts of the Hungarian Minorities)

Károly Mirnics
Hungarians in the Voivodina: Communication with Hungary and Public Opinion about the Mother Country

Kálmán Soós
The Changing Image of Hungary among the Hungarians of Sub-Carpathia, 1944-1991

Maintaining relations and the problem of immigration

Herbert Küpper
Minorities, Communications and Integration into the Western World

A. Zoltán Bíró
Summits and Everyday Life

Pál Péter Tóth
Why Just Hungary?

Endre Sik
Xenophobia in Hungary in 1998

Aspects of analyzing the minority problem

Judit Tóth
Aspects of Analyzing the Minority Problem

László Szarka
The Concept of the Nation in the Late Twentieth Century: Aspects of an Analysis

Biographies of Key Personalities
Name Index
Place Index